
Showing posts from February, 2008

From the river to the great lakes......

I find that I have clients come from everywhere for therapy for attachment disorder and the need is GREAT. I am hoping to provide more trainings through video and audio cd, so more people, such as school people, etc. can access this information and I hope to make that information more applicable to these populations specifically. Truly, I have had people drive 3 hours for my services because it is so important that they have the support of someone who understands and can validate the parents' experiences, especially those of the mother, as her experience is often different than those of the father. As I continue this blog, I hope to provide more information about all this. In Joy, Chris Appell, LCPC

more and more clients

I continue receiving requests from many clients seeking help with their children struggling with attachment disorder - rather the parents are suffering, as the children really don't care. I always enjoy helping as much as I can and I get refreshed by new clients. As I stated previously, I have made a difference as children have moved forward and families have stabilized. I am astounded by the severity and numbers of people experiencing the effects of attachment disorder in one way or another. I am hoping to come up with other ways to help and to affect larger numbers of people, as the need is global and the support is minimal. I have found that people have sought help from people who stated they worked with attachment disorder, but when attending the session, the therapist just didn't get it. That is why people are willing to drive 2/3/4 hours for help. I have begun to work in the schools because I could not do attachment therapy all the time, as it can be difficult, even with ...

A Diary, of sorts....

I continue my work with children with attachment disorder and their families. My practice is reduced because of my other job, and I am now excited about new, exciting opportunities - is this what kids with ADHD feel like? There is so much to do and so much to get out there. I am hoping to create some cd's and DVD's for training and support purposes. I have had a number of new referrals of late and I also reflect on successes I have had with families and children. It is a very good feeling. I don't always realize that things are going better, so it is a process for me, also. Yes, there is hope. It may be a lengthy process, and rather than raising a child to a level of "10", you might get a child with attachment disorder and other disorders to a level of "6" or "7", but that is much better than a "2", which may be where we start.