What are attachment disorder symptoms/behaviors?

One of the questions I ask clients is "Do you think there is some level of conscience to connect with inside the child?" They can often tell me. I trust parental instincts and their gut about what is going on - I do not just consider myself the expert - what do the parents believe to be true and I help them understand and look through new lenses to understand behavior and also to validate their parental experience. They are often being judged and considered wrong by
friends and family.
Some symptoms include: superficially engaging and charming; poor eye contact; lack of cause and effect thinking; absence of guilt and no remorse; chronic, nonsensical lying; triangulations of adults; refusal to answer simple questions; false allegations of abuse; and learning lags. I will continue with more in my next blog. One of the tasks is to learn to discern what the symptoms mean, as there are many overlapping diagnoses. I often see the children with bipolar disorder, pervasive developmental disorder, fetal alcohol syndrome, ADHD, etc. - Do they only have Attachment Disorder, or do
they have multiple diagnoses. Some of this is assessed through taking a thorough history of the

Peace and Joy,
Chris Appell, LCPC


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