I'm doing more writing on attachment disorder..

I have been writing articles for ezine articles, etc. re: attachment disorder. My goal is to make video trainings, etc. for professionals and teachers and parents. These will all be directed specifically to the need. So stay tuned and check out my website. I have finished session 1 for families cd.
The therapy field appears to be quiet lately. The states are having financial issues and not paying for services for children, insurance companies are getting stingy with mental health counseling, and the economy has hit families hard. but sometimes it comes down to an issue of survival for families.
I also find it difficult to do several jobs at one time and have found myself interested in reaching more people through the internet world.
A thought for the day for all those struggling families: Don't take the child's behavior personally - it is not you, it's them! Try to look at the chid more objectively.

Check out my website: www.theattachmentgroup.org for further information.
If you are interested in other self-help products, check out www.selfimprovement2.com


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