Well, when I looked at my statistics, the blog that got the most attention was the blog post re: CWAD - children with attachment disorder.  The parents of those children are called PCWAD by me.  I will be writing a book re: this issue.  I have worked in this field for a LONG time and have heard from parents that I understand the issue very well.  I have very much enjoyed helping the families that have adopted these children.  Sometimes I can help the children, and sometimes I cannot.  I believe a lot of it is up to them.

I don't get many comments from families with attachment disordered children.  I know there are some links, support groups online, etc.  that families have found helpful.  I have found that support has decreased a great deal.  Counseling, etc.  is cut back due to insurance and state support.  Families are left in the position of having to pay for therapy themselves, and cannot often afford this.  Some people have lost their jobs while working together. 

Hopefully more will follow.  I have decided that there is a great need for new info and support. 


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