Attachment Disorder Updates

The Attachment Disorder Dilemma

Attachment Disorder Updates

Hi - just a quick comment to let you know I'm out here, trying to offer support when I can.  The news has brought news of relevance to parents of children with RAD - as I lovingly term them, CWAD.  Children with attachment disorder.  Anyway, I had a mom say to me after the awful Newtown news, that she could relate to being the mother of that young man that was so "sick."  I realize that is true.  It was awful to believe that someone has that ability, but some of you parents - P-CWAD - have seen those moments in your children.

The second news segment that just happened is about Russia banning adoptions to the US.  As another person said, that's probably good news for some of the parents, because sometimes the children from Russia have many, many issues.  But there are those children that provide a great deal of joy.  And there are parents who are currently waiting for some of those children but now must suffer the loss of never adopting those children.  We will never know how it would have gone. 

Attachment Disorder Updates                                               

But I am sure some of this news has hit you in a sensitive place and you feel some impact.  Give yourself to feel some grief over these incidents.  PCWAD have many reasons to feel grief over the loss of expectations and other losses in adopting a CWAD.


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