
Attachment Disorder - October, 2017

Attachment Disorder   I have not attended many trainings, and I know there isn’t much training out there. And what’s current? The list of behaviors probably doesn’t change much. What is the connection with ACES - Adverse Childhood Experiences.  I went to a luncheon with a man who was a nationally respected doctor who helped organize, sponsor, collect data from studies. The conclusion was that HOPE - positive experiences can help overcome some of the negative. A perfect example is a little girl who was in a bombing in Syria - she has been exposed to horrific ACEs. But if she is surrounded by loving family, has been transferred to a safe environment, has a positive experience in the refugee camp, then her ACEs will not have as much negative affect on her adult life, including illnesses, etc. The talk did not focus on attachment, behaviors, etc. There were many CASA workers there, and a CASA worker’s job is to work with foster kids and make sure their case gets ...

Attachment Disorder Updates

The Attachment Disorder Dilemma Attachment Disorder Updates Hi - just a quick comment to let you know I'm out here, trying to offer support when I can.  The news has brought news of relevance to parents of children with RAD - as I lovingly term them, CWAD.  Children with attachment disorder.  Anyway, I had a mom say to me after the awful Newtown news, that she could relate to being the mother of that young man that was so "sick."  I realize that is true.  It was awful to believe that someone has that ability, but some of you parents - P-CWAD - have seen those moments in your children. The second news segment that just happened is about Russia banning adoptions to the US.  As another person said, that's probably good news for some of the parents, because sometimes the children from Russia have many, many issues.  But there are those children that provide a great deal of joy.  And there are parents who are currently waiting for some of thos...

What the Future of Therapy Holds?

Hi - so I'm still working and I haven't seen a lot of changes in the mental health environment.  I don't like it.  A lot of it is due to the economy - perhaps things will improve in the future.  I also live in the midwest and that area is not recovering quickly, and Illinois is broke, so... My heart goes out to the many families struggling with these difficult children but that aren't getting a lot of help.  I am available for services but families having money to pay for them is a problem, and DCFS seems to claim they cannot pay. I am working on youtube videos and a  book which may help out there.  Perhaps there will be other ways to get services out there.  I am also available for online counseling services, phone counseling, etc.  There are other ways.  You can also email me at if you have questions and my phone is 815-398-8422. And my website is here . 

Therapy for Families Struggling With Attachment Disorder

The economy sure has an impact on the families that have adopted children with attachment disorder.  The services are more difficult to get and finances and promises that were made when children were adopted are no longer being kept.  "They are your problem now" seems to be the demeanor.  I am sorry to see people in power act the way they are.  It seems I have provided a great deal of service because of my ethics and would probably do so again.  I wish more people felt that way.  Check out my website. So I want you to know you aren't alone out there, that there are those of us who care.  Unfortunately, free services are hard to come by, and maintain.  1.There is federal money in some adoption preservation programs, so you might want to look for them in your area - those are free.  2. For those of you with the medical card for the children, I'm sorry to say that there is not much specific to attachment disorder.  Your only options are...

No AD Services Can Be Devastating!

How is the media about attachment disorder lately?  I really don't know even though I do therapy.  When I worked in child welfare the talk was much greater, but I am now in schools and never hear about it.  I believe part of it is the economy.  Families are being abandoned and having to deal with the issue on their own as there are not many resources available anymore.  I received a perfect email today from someone really struggling and they had tried many available resources but they did not work with true RAD kids - actually i prefer CWAD - child with attachment disorder.  So many options are a waste of time and very frustrating to parents, giving the CWAD even more power. I feel very bad for families when this happens as it is so much wasted time, but more than that, it is energy and emotional health at stake, that of the parents. Life's Outlook Here's my website .