Therapy for Families Struggling With Attachment Disorder

The economy sure has an impact on the families that have adopted children with attachment disorder.  The services are more difficult to get and finances and promises that were made when children were adopted are no longer being kept.  "They are your problem now" seems to be the demeanor.  I am sorry to see people in power act the way they are.  It seems I have provided a great deal of service because of my ethics and would probably do so again.  I wish more people felt that way.  Check out my website.
So I want you to know you aren't alone out there, that there are those of us who care.  Unfortunately, free services are hard to come by, and maintain. 
1.There is federal money in some adoption preservation programs, so you might want to look for them in your area - those are free. 
2. For those of you with the medical card for the children, I'm sorry to say that there is not much specific to attachment disorder.  Your only options are the area community health centers that can take the medical card.  Most private practitioners can not. 
3. Insurance is another option, but I know they often do not pay well, and many will not take insurance, but want cash and you turn the bill into your insurance, as insurance companies make it difficult.


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