i'm back

there's always more to add on this subject. It's effects can be devastating to families. Friends are lost, extended family members, don't support the family on occasion, all because people cannot believe the parents about the child - how could a child do some of those behaviors, and
why are they such a problem. Just ignore them, they will quit.
Others do not realize the underlying motives for some of these behaviors and when someone lives with them and sees their intentions, it is different then children WITHOUT attachment disorder. Parents often cannot or won't tell others, because they are judged and/or not believed and feel stupid. As a therapist, I understand, because I can tell right away when someone doesn't really get it - including psychiatric hospitals, psychiatrists, psychologists, other therapists, etc. - treat them like the other children, love them enough, they will be okay. But that is NOT the case.
website listing: www.theattachmentgroup.org


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