Why do CWAD - children with attachment disorder - drive us crazy?

What is it about children with attachment disorder - CWAD-that is so difficult to live with? Why are parents, especially moms, so distraught? I would appreciate any input. From my work, i see

1. that the mothers are SOOOO upset trying to love and give to a child but that child can have the abilty to love no one, and
2. the ability to be so mean, but also because the child does much to alienate mom, but at the same time they work to engage everyone else and charm them and make mom look bad. So
3. she deals with the abandonment by the child, the constant attack and abuse, the insecurity and sense of failure of self, and also the judgment of others.
4. Again, the father seldom sees the same behaviors that the mother sees so is unable to nderstand at the same level.
5. The mother worries about and takes care of all the other children and hates to see them hurt and battered by the CWAD.

check out my website at www.theattachmentgroup.org
Christine Appell-Naff


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