And Attachment Disorder Continues!

As I start to write this, I realize I haven't written in a while. I have done other blogs but this one as gone by the side. My energy in attachment disorder therapy has waned somewhat. My clientele in this area is down as I have quit working with the state of Illinois post-adoption clients as they seem not to be paying me. I donated many hours at this point only to have the state decide not to pay me, much to the disservice of the families and children they have placed in families for adoption. I'm guessing services have been cut everywhere, every state. I've worked with families who have the breadwinner lose their jobs, had insurance cut, wages cut, etc. Meanwhile they have to live with kids who are sometimes impossible to live with. I know I get frustrated with the media, but I'm sure the families do even more so, because the perspective is not taking into account the actual behavior of these children, and how it impacts families. I remember when the woman put her adopted son on a plane back to Russia, with her mother's support. They were in fear for their life, but the perspective of the press was "what a terrible thing to do, how could any mother give up on a child, etc." Totally one sided. Those of us who knew what these children could behave like understood why she did it. Sometimes, it's a basic case of survival. I don't know that the world every will understand, and why are the families living with this disorder's impact living that life. What is the purpose of it? Why them? I know sometimes they have something to learn from it, but I try to see some of this from a larger spiritual perspective, and I don't really understand. What does a child gain from living such a life without a conscience, without love? Is their journey to learn to be loved, but they make it impossible? At least any intimacy in their relationships, as they will not let ANYONE in. And then what is my purpose? How much can I help? As I know I can't often fix things as these kids are VERY resistant to therapy. I know I'm there to help parents and family members, and even the kids with AD, but... And how to continue with clients not having money to pay or subsidy money. Afterall, the DCFS director in Illinois cheated the state out of a great deal of money - better him than helping the kids and families, right?
So, at this point, I will continue online and will continue with consultation help. I am beginning to write digital books and articles. I am one of those people who does understand this behavior and it's impact, and those of us who do need to be there to support the families and children. I will do what I can. I know there are many parents who are giving it their all, also in helping other parents survive through support networks. Thank you.


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